Towing a car, motorcycle, boat, truck, or some other type of vehicle requires patience, experience, and a whole set of advanced skills. Some folks may consider towing another vehicle a simple task; however, if the towing service is not performed correctly, then disaster could be right around the corner for that particular driver. Proper towing techniques are extremely important for keeping you safe, as well as everyone else on the road safe, too. Proper procedures will also protect the vehicle that is being towed for whatever reason. If you are planning to tow something in the near future or if you are going to be using a towing service or tow truck soon, then it is important to understand the highlights of proper towing training.
A pre-towing checklist will help the tow truck driver prepare for the towing event and ensure all bases are covered when it comes to handling the towing service appropriately. Before a vehicle can be towed, the driver must ensure the towing equipment is prepared for the upcoming tow service. Some things to check before the towing service begins include; tire pressure on the towing truck, maintenance of the tow truck’s engine since towing other vehicles puts extra strain on the truck, proper hitch equipment, safety chain installation and attachment, trailer lighting equipment, side view mirror usage, fuel capacity, and any other service that maintains the proper condition of the towing equipment.
Once the tow truck is prepared and ready for the tow service, then the driver must also prepare. Some people believe no extra skill is needed to tow another vehicle, but they could not be more mistaken. Towing another vehicle requires great skill and patience. A tow truck driver must be familiar with their truck’s weight, height, and capabilities. Drivers must allow for extra braking space since the truck has a different weight with another vehicle in tow. Height requirements can also limit the driver from taking certain roads or passageways. A skilled tow truck driver understands they have to adjust their driving techniques based on the size of the vehicle they are towing. Limits of weight, height, or width can alter your driving plan, and the driver needs to be able to accommodate such changes.
Practice and thorough techniques make for the best tow truck drivers. A person needs to be conscientious and methodical in planning to tow another vehicle safely. Practice is required for backing up a tow truck or trailer, attaching another vehicle securely to the towing equipment, and driving a tow truck in various situations. Even if someone thinks that towing another vehicle is simple and can be done without dedicated training, they could be horribly mistaken. If you are getting ready to tow a car, truck, motorcycle, or some other type of vehicle soon, then it would be beneficial to take a few lessons from the experts first. Hiring an expert to perform the towing service for you may be the better option, and you should be able to find a highly qualified towing expert in your area.